ND Post Adopt Network is a service provided by the Adults Adopting Special Kids Program. AASK provides services to children in foster care and to the families who adopt them. It is AASK’s mission to build permanency for these children through adoption by committed, stable, and nurturing families. Catholic Charities North Dakota has a contract with the North Dakota Department of Human Services to deliver adoption services to children and families across the state.
In addition to the main offices in Fargo, Bismarck, Minot, and Grand Forks, AASK has adoption specialists in Dickinson, Williston, and Devils Lake. AASK adoption specialists work with each child to help them understand their journey through foster care and how adoption fits into their life. Birth parents, foster parents, and adoptive parents are all important people in a child’s life and it is important to help them understand that their heart is big enough for all. Adoption specialists work with potential adoptive families to determine the best path for each, and to help each parent understand the unique needs of kids in foster care.
Call your local Catholic Charities North Dakota office or visit the AASK website to get more information on the steps to adopt through foster care!
Adults Adopting Special Kids has partnered with The Reel Hope Project to feature the kids in foster care waiting for their forever families.